藪崎次郎  |  Jiro Yabuzaki

写真作家  |  Photographer
色彩管理士 ( JCRI 認定 )  |  Color Management Supervisor
Atelier PIXEL 代表

 藪崎次郎は「 自然がもたらす精神的な共鳴 」を主題とし、作家デビュー当初より一貫して「水 」をモチーフに、その表現の追求と作品の制作を続けている風景写真作家である。

 Jiro Yabuzaki's theme is "Spiritual resonance brought about by nature," and since his debut as an artist, he has consistently used the motif of "Water" in his pursuit of expression and production of artworks.
 Yabuzaki's works are characterized by his unique style of depicting the beautiful colors and details of his subjects in a detailed, technical, and three-dimensional manner, using the latest digital painting techniques on top of his photographs, which have been called "super realistic" by his fans and art collectors. By merging these elements into a single work of art, he creates a unique art photography that is both realistic and fantastical, deeply etched in the viewer's memory and psyche. By merging these elements into a single work, he creates a unique art photography that is both realistic and fantastic, deeply engraved in the viewer's memory and psychology.
 In recent years, in addition to selling his work in commercial galleries, he has been involved in a wide range of activities, including providing work to companies and organizations, cultural and artistic activities, and lecturing at photography-related seminars. 
 In the commercial field, he utilizes his outstanding photographic know-how and color skills to photograph more than 1,000 cases per year. His knowledge has greatly contributed to research and development in the beauty and medical fields.
Offical On-line Shop  |  作品販売サイト

Solo Exhibition  |  個展
2024.09  9th Solo exhibition " - 自然との共鳴 –  "  / Bar 山崎文庫, Tokyo, Japan
2024.04  8th Solo exhibition " - 自然との共鳴 –  "  / Ken Fine Art, Osaka, Japan
2023.09  7th Solo exhibition " - fine – 第三章 "  / Island Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2022.05  6th Solo exhibition  " - fine – 第二章 大阪展 "  / Island Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2022.03  5th Solo exhibition  " ㈱シグマ 本社特別展示 " / SIGMA Corp. , Kanagawa, Japan
2021.12  4th Solo exhibition " - fine – 第二章 "  / Island Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2020.10  3rd Solo exhibition  " - fine – "  / Island Gallery , Tokyo, Japan
2019.07  2nd Solo exhibition  " - f – "  / Island Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2018.06  1st Solo exhibition " 1/f Signals "   / Island Gallery, Tokyo, Japan

Group Exhibition  |  合同展
2023.09  icon CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHY 2023  / AXIS Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2023.09  MAG招待作家展  / 南森町アートギャラリー , Osaka, Japan
2023.05  Chapter2 icon -Landscape- / KEN FINE ART, Osaka, Japan
2022.09  icon CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHY Ⅱ  / AXIS Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2022.01  The World in Yokohama 招待作家展示  / PASHA STYLE , Tokyo, Japan
2021.10  MAG招待作家展  / 南森町アートギャラリー , Osaka, Japan
2021.04  花は咲く展  / Island Gallery , Tokyo, Japan
2021.09  小作品展  / Island Gallery , Tokyo, Japan
2019.03  感じるアートフォトの世界 展  / Island Gallery , Tokyo, Japan
2019.01  初春夢幻 / Island Gallery , Tokyo, Japan
2017.08  涼風至展  / Island Gallery , Tokyo, Japan
2017.10  3人写真展 2017  / Island Gallery , Tokyo, Japan
2017.08  25人展 2017「情景写心」/ Island Gallery , Tokyo, Japan

Curation  |  写真展企画
2024.09  LFG展 主宰 / FEI Art Museum Yokohama  , Yokohama, Japan
2023.12  Foveon展 大阪 主宰 / イロリムラ89画廊 , Osaka, Japan
2022.12  Foveon展 主宰 / ギャラリー・ルデコ , Tokyo, Japan

AWARDS  |  受賞歴
WPC World Photographic Cup 2023 日本代表写真家 (Nature/Landscape)
WPC World Photographic Cup 2021 日本代表写真家 (Nature/Wildlife)
WPC World Photographic Cup 2020 日本代表写真家(Nature/Wildlife) 

IPA International Photography Award 2020 Professional category HM x 3
TIFA Tokyo International Foto Awards 2019 Professional category HM x 2
JPS日本写真家協会   第41回JPS公募展
JPA 日本写真作家協会  第14回JPA公募展 、他多数

Publish  |  メディア掲載
IMA online / IMA online
日本カメラ / 日本カメラ社
CAPA / ワン・パブリッシング
デジタルカメラマガジン / インプレスブックス
Fine Art Photography Book 3 / NiSi optics 
Fine Art Photography Book 2 / NiSi optics
NiSi Filter Japan / NiSi optics

Seminar . Workshop |  セミナー登壇他
Adobe PhotoShop セミナー講師
CP+ 2023  Leofoto ブース登壇
CP+ 2022  株式会社シグマ オンライン登壇
CP+ 2019   NiSi optics . Leofoto ブース登壇
CP+ 2018   株式会社シグマ・NiSi optics ブース登壇

Final Updated Date  |  最終更新日
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