" 自然がもたらす精神的な共鳴 "
 四方を海に囲まれ、湿潤な気候の島国に住む我々日本人は、古くから水を「神の存在」として崇め、湖や滝、渓流などの水源を聖地として尊んできた。そして仏教の伝来により、水は、身体の穢れを浄化し心を癒す特別な存在へと変容し、水の神への崇敬と信仰とが共存する独自の文化が形作られた。 古来の日本画や仏教画においても、水は、風景画や物語絵巻などの様々な主題で描かれている。尾形光琳の流水紋様や鈴木其一の渓流描写、また葛飾北斎の神奈川沖浪裏など、時代や様式を超えて、多くの画家が独自の視点で「水の存在」を描いている。
 このように、日本人は、身近な水を神の存在として崇敬し、美の象徴として偶像する様子を伺い知ることができる。 我々は、その清らかで力強い美しさに魅了されると同時に、無意識下で水を介した自然との深い繋がりを感じているはずである。 私は、こうした日本人特有の自然への高い感受性と幽玄な美意識が、自然に対する精神的な共鳴を生み出しているのではと考察し、海や滝、渓流や雪など、水をモチーフとした自然風景作品を発表しながら、その答えを探求し続けている。

藪崎次郎 | Jiro Yabuzaki


 I have consistently pursued the theme of "spiritual resonance brought about by nature" since my debut as a writer, and I continue to create works with "water" as my motif, while exploring expression.
 Surrounded by the sea and living in an island nation with a humid climate, we Japanese have long revered water as a "Divine being" and have respected water sources such as lakes, waterfalls, and mountain streams as sacred places. With the arrival of Buddhism, water was transformed into a special being that purifies the impurities of the body and heals the mind, forming a unique culture in which reverence and faith in water deities coexist. In ancient Japanese and Buddhist paintings, water has also been depicted in various subjects, such as landscapes and narrative picture scrolls. Many painters have depicted the "presence of water" from their own unique perspectives, transcending time and style, such as Ogata Korin's flowing water patterns, Suzuki Kiitsu's depictions of mountain streams, and Katsushika Hokusai's Kanagawa-Oki Namiura.
 In this way, we can observe how the Japanese revere and idolize the familiar water as the presence of the divine and a symbol of beauty. While we are captivated by its pure and powerful beauty, we should also feel a deep connection with nature through water on a subconscious level. I speculate that this high sensitivity to nature and profound aesthetic consciousness unique to the Japanese people generates a spiritual resonance with nature. While presenting works of natural landscapes themed around water such as oceans, waterfalls, streams, and snow, I continue to explore this question, seeking answers.
 My work primarily consists of photographs, but I employ the latest digital painting techniques to layer multiple layers on top of them in a multi-layered manner, transcending the boundaries of photographic expression and creating intricate, technical, and three-dimensional pieces. This allows for an overwhelming sense of immersion and emotionality, as if one is actually present in front of nature, while still maintaining a representational depiction. I believe that detailed depiction is the most effective means of conveying the subtle beauty of nature.
 I am confident that my artworks with water motifs not only convey the beauty of nature but also leave a quiet lingering resonance in the hearts of viewers, offering elements of healing and tranquility to the mind and body. I sincerely hope that everyone who appreciates my work can spend peaceful and serene days by feeling the spiritual resonance that nature brings.
Jiro Yabuzaki
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